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Facing a job interview and feeling the pressure to perform well? Follow CareerBuilder author Larry Buhl's tips to calm job interview jitters and present yourself as an ideal job candidate.

1) Prepare. This seems like a no-brainer, but it's an absolute must before an interview.

"Preparation is 90 percent of success in job interviews," says Linda Smith-Gaston, career adviser at Los Angeles Trade Technical College. Get ready to answer questions, like: "Why are you the best person for this job?" and "What have you learned (in school, at an internship, through your experiences) that have prepared you for this job?" And, Smith-Gaston adds, always do you research to learn exactly what the company does before your interview.

2) Make the interview the most important thing in your day. If possible, clear your schedule so that you can focus all of your attention on the interview. This will help you arrive on time and be willing to wait patiently if your interviewer is running late. And without time constraints you can stay for a lengthy interview, tour the company, and participate in anything else your interviewer may ask you to do.

3) Utilize a three-step process before you speak. Listen. Think. Respond. This can be key to communicating exactly what you want to say and presenting a calm, collected and professional attitude that's appealing to potential employers.

4) Come with questions. Demonstrate your serious interest in the available position by asking questions specific to the job responsibilities, company policies and corporate culture.

Good luck!

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