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Hooray for a three-day weekend! The greater Columbus area is celebrating the holiday in many different ways. Find something to do that catches your fancy and make the most of the last big weekend of the summer.

Soul Food Music Festival

Music lovers! Head downtown this Saturday and Sunday for The Soul Food Music Festival and enjoy live concerts featuring exceptional rhythm and blues performers. And while you're there, fill up your plate with delicious soul food. You can do a little shopping, watch the impressive laser light show, and join in the dancing! For more information, call 614-258-4633, or visit the Soul Food Music Festival website.

Upper Arlington Labor Day Arts Festival

Spend this Labor Day strolling through Northam Park and check out one of Ohio's premier arts festivals. You'll see paintings, photography, pottery, sculptures, jewelry, fiber and wood arts, and more. And beyond arts, there'll be live music, children's activities, theatrical performances, and food. Don't miss it! For more information about this event, visit the City of Upper Arlington's website.

30th Annual Labor Day Weekend Powwow

For a different Labor Day celebration experience, head to the Newark Earthworks Great Circle for Native American dancing, music, arts, crafts, and food. Admission is $15 for a weekend pass, $7 for an adult day pass, and $3 for seniors and students. For details, call 614-443-6720, or visit the NAICCO's website.

Happy Labor Day!

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