New Year, New Goals: Setting and Conquering New Year’s Resolutions

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Whether you set new year’s resolutions every year or have finally decided to pursue one, we’ve got tips to help you succeed in your endeavors.

Set SMART Goals

One way to ensure you achieve your new year’s resolution is by being strategic about which goal you want to pursue.

When selecting a SMART goal, consider the following guidelines:

  • Specific: Setting a vague resolution like getting healthy is too broad. Clearly define what you want to achieve by being specific. For example, improve your healthy eating habits by including a serving of vegetables at every meal.
  • Measurable: Having benchmarks to meet will help you track your progress and motivate you to continue pursuing your goal.
  • Achievable: Be realistic about your expectations. A good resolution will push you to improve, but it should still be something within your reach. Setting lofty goals can cause frustration and cause you to cease your efforts.
  • Relevant: A good new year’s resolution will have an intrinsic value that means something to you. You may find your resolution aligns with other goals and meets some of your other needs.
  • Timely: Establishing a deadline will keep you focused. Knowing you only have a certain amount of time to achieve your goal will prevent daily tasks from pushing it to the backburner.

Prepare Yourself for Success

Create a plan: Clearly defining your course of action will help you follow through on your new year’s resolution. Consider developing strategies to keep you on target if you find yourself lacking motivation.

Be ready for obstacles: Temptation may lead you astray, but it’s important to prepare for possible roadblocks to ensure success. What obstacles could you face on the first, second and third weeks of your journey? Considering those challenges now will allow you to tackle them if they arise.

Start when you feel ready: Don’t rush into your resolution. No rule says you have to start on January 1, and hurrying through your planning may affect your long-term success.

Allow yourself to make mistakes: It’s important to understand that it’s okay if you falter in pursuit of your goal. Making mistakes teaches you lessons that will help you make your resolution a reality. Look at missteps as opportunities to evaluate your success and adjust your tactics.

New Year’s Resolution Ideas

Are you unsure about a goal for the new year? Here are some ideas:

  • Visit a new shop, restaurant or park each week. That’s a good resolution if you’ve recently moved to a new area.
  • Cook something new each week. You can broaden your culinary horizons and practice incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet simultaneously.
  • Take up a new hobby or revisit an old one. You may also consider joining a club that meets regularly to help you stay accountable.
  • Read more. You may strive to read one book each month or a specific number of books by the end of the year.
  • Take a different approach to exercise. Join a fitness class or try a new workout routine each month to keep yourself engaged and motivated.

Make living well your new year’s resolution. Contact Preferred Living to learn about our luxury apartments in Columbus, Ohio.

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