Get started with Disc Golf in Columbus at these Great Courses
Getting Started
To get started you will need a disc, and although any frisbee will technically work, you will be at a disadvantage with these. The disc golf discs are smaller and heavier than your basic everyday frisbee. They also fly further, which is invaluable when you have distances of 500 plus feet between tee and basket (disc golfs’ version of a hole in the ground).
If you have never played disc golf, you will need to buy or borrow a disc. These are available at many stores in the sports department. You may even find them in a few gas stations that are located near a disc golf course.
When buying for the first time, don’t be overwhelmed by the multitude of discs’ available. Although they are all basically the same size in diameter, they come with different profiles, component material, colors, and flight characteristics, among other factors. But these won’t really matter to a beginner. I would suggest buying these three types to start: putter disc, mid-range disc, and driver disc. You can often get a three pack of these for around $20.00.
Once you are proficient at these then you can decide whether investing in other discs’ is right for you. Personally, even though I have been playing the game for over 30 years, I can no longer throw for distance like I once did. Therefore, I only carry a putter and a mid-range disc most days.
You will see people on the course with disc golf bags, even carts, where they have 50 or more discs with them. You DO NOT NEED this if you are just starting. I’m pretty sure no one needs that many other than to impress others of your love for the game.
Here are a few rules of etiquette to follow:
- Keep your group size small, 4 or less is preferable but if you go during off hours, you’ll be less likely to encounter others on the course. If there is a group behind you that is playing faster, offer to let them play ahead.
- As with regular golf, the person with the best score on the previous hole tees off first.
- In between tee and basket, the person furthest from the basket throws first.
- Help others in your group look for their disc if it goes into the rough. Despite their size, they can be surprisingly hard to find, even in the fairway if the grass is a little tall.
For a more complete explanation of rules, tips and etiquette, check out DiscGolf.com.
When you get to a course, finding the first tee is sometimes difficult, as these courses are often part of a larger park system and not the focus of signage. Ask fellow golfers for assistance. Anyone I’ve ever talked to on a course has been more than happy to point me in the right direction.
Tees: These can vary greatly in their make-up. Some are cement pads of approximately 7-8 feet in length. Others are as simple as a worn spot in the grass next to the hole/basket designation. Most courses have some sort of info posted near it, such as distance to basket, number of the basket, and par.
Basket: These vary slightly depending on the manufacturer, but the dimensions are all similar. The biggest difference is their visibility. If they are in the line of sight, ones with bright markers are easiest to see. However, this is not always the case as many are positioned around the corner of an obstacle, most of the time these obstacles are trees.
Fairways: These can be wide open or a narrow path through a tunnel formed by trees. If you are new to the game, look for courses that have mostly open areas as that makes for a more acceptable range of error on the throwers part.
Who can play?
Disc Golf is great for most ages. I would suggest not having small children on the course though for safety reasons. The discs are typically around 170 grams (over 1/3 lb) and are thrown at a high velocity. Young kids that are not aware of what’s going on could be hit and could potentially be hurt badly.
I think a good indicator of whether a child is old enough to play would be on their ability to throw a disc at least 60 feet or more. Just something to think about when taking younger kids out on the course.
Where to play Disc Golf Courses in Columbus
Below are a few courses I frequent. It’s hard to put a favorites list together as many factors come into play when I decide to play on any given day. Some of these factors are: Am I playing with others? How much time do I have? Am I playing mainly to get in a few steps in for exercise? Etc. Walking distance on most courses is usually between 1.1 to 2 miles.
If I’m playing by myself or one other person, the time it takes to complete a course can be anywhere between 30 minutes to one hour. I play rather quickly but play time also depends on whether I’ve had to look for any discs or if the course has slower players/groups bunched up through the course.
Where to Play:
Griggs Reservoir Disc Golf CourseAddress: 2933 Riverside Dr, Columbus, OH 4322 (Located in Hoover Park)
Restroom: One Port-a-Potty in the parking lot.
Tees: Cement Pads
Available: Year Round
Holes: 18
Difficulty: Good for beginners. Mostly open areas. Wooded along some fairways. River parallels a couple holes. Beware of poison ivy in places.
Website: https://www.pdga.com/course-directory/course/griggs-reservoir-park
Scioto Grove Disc Golf Course
Address: 5172 Jackson Pike, Grove City, OH 43123 (Located in Scioto Grove Metro Park)
Restroom: Running Water Facilities through-out the park.
Tees: Cement Pads
Available: Year Round
Holes: 18
Difficulty: For experienced players. Narrow fairways. Water hazards. High grass, shrubs and trees in areas. Hills can affect perception of throwing distance.
Website: https://www.metroparks.net/parks-and-trails/scioto-grove/activities/#disc-golf
Blendon Woods Disc Golf Course
Address: 4265 E Dublin Granville Rd, Westerville, OH 43081 (Located in Blendon Woods Metro Park)
Restroom: Running Water Facilities through-out the park.
Tees: Dirt Pads
Available: Year Round
Holes: 18
Difficulty: For beginner & intermediate players. Narrow fairways. Heavily wooded along sides of fairways. Most baskets can be reached in one or two throws. Great for those that can’t throw for distance, but great for accurate throwers.
Website: https://www.bwdgc.com/
Many of these Disc Golf courses are very near Preferred Living Luxury apartment communities.
Like many of you, we take our questions to Google to see what great reccomendations people have for fun activities around Columbus. This fun Summer activity jumped off the page at us on Columbus on the Cheap
To further give credit where credit is due, thank you to Dave K ( author of this article AND a guest contributor to Columbus on the Cheap)